OUR Team

OUr committee (2022/23)

President-ELECT (2023/24)

Vanessa Jaya

Vanessa is a second-year undergraduate reading Economics & Management at Hertford College. She joined OCI in October 2022 as a Project Lead, working on a project to help a food waste nonprofit reduce turnover rates and increase volunteer engagement. Vanessa will be overseeing the Initiative's activities throughout the 2023-2024 Academic Year, ensuring that OCI brings value to both consultants and its start-up clients.


Vanessa recently completed an internship as a Summer Business Analyst at Kearney's Jakarta office. In her free time, she enjoys singing, ice skating, and trying out new personality tests.


Alex Eveson

Alex is a second-year undergraduate at Oriel, studying Spanish and Linguistics. He has been a member of OCI since October 2021, leading a team to develop a product design strategy for a social-media start-up. In his role as President, Alex oversees the general operations of the Initiative and ensures that OCI remains a rewarding and fun program for all those that take part.


In his free time, Alex enjoys rowing and playing rugby for his college, as well as organising pub quizzes and open mic nights at the Oriel bar.

Client Director

Zachary Steele-Gideon

Zach is a third-year undergraduate at St. Anne's College reading Oriental Studies (Chinese).  He has been a member of OCI since October 2020, when he took part in a market research project for a travel app. As Client Director, Zach seeks to form strong relationships with companies across a wide range of sectors, to provide a wide variety of project opportunities.

Zach has undertaken a variety of internships relating to consulting and law and is interested in all things commercial.

In his free time, he enjoys cycling and going to the theatre.

Recruitment Director 

Cristina Marson 

Cristina is a third-year undergraduate student studying Biomedical Sciences at St Hilda’s College. She became on OCI consultant in October 2021 working with a startup to improve their partner acquisition strategy. In her current role, Cristina is responsible for directing the recruitment process to select the next cohort of OCI consultants.   


In her free time, Cristina enjoys playing in the St Hilda's football and netball teams as well as singing in the college choir.